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The first Health and Wellness logo. Having an expert touch up the image. Would like to get the logo out through simple items like towels, water bottles, and t-shirts. 

TU Health & Wellness is on Facebook. We will be sending out advertising through Facebook and put pictures of Health and Wellness events on the page.

Over time TU Health and Wellness looks to add additional classes. Due to budgeting reasons, we need to show upper administration the need for a larger budget to support more fitness opportunities for students, staff, and faculty. 

Open Yoga was offered last year every Monday and once the school year begins Open Yoga will start up. HR pays a flat rate for the classes so we are hoping to get more students, staff, and faculty involved in some Yoga after a hard Monday.

For TU Health and Wellness to grow we need to identify what peoples health and wellness goals are? With there goals aligning it with offerings through TU Health and Wellness. Surveying and being open to suggestions will lead to the growth of the initiative. 

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